Privacy Policy & Notice

Raizen Real Estate Group Ltd, is a Cyprus company with registered number HE456002 and registered office address at 25A Klimentos, 1061, Nicosia, Cyprus (hereinafter Raizen”“we”“us”, or “our”). Raizen is a Registered & Licensed Real Estate Agency in Cyprus with Registration No. 791 – Licence No. 363/E.

Raizen owns and operates , (the “Website”) including any subdomains thereof, and any other websites through which Raizen makes its services available (collectively, “Website”), is subject to the following terms and conditions (the “T&Cs”), which by using the Website you are deemed to accept.

This privacy policy and general privacy notice applies to Raizen Real Estate Group Ltd & Stavros Zakos Associates & Property Valuers L.L.C collectively (“Raizen”). Raizen is committed to protecting your privacy and handling your personal data in an open and transparent manner. The personal data that we collect and process will vary depending on how you use the Raizen Site.

We at Raizen take your privacy seriously.

This Privacy Policy:

  • provides an overview of how Raizen collects and processes your personal data and tells you about your rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”);
  • is directed to individuals who are:
    • (a) visitors of the Raizen Site (referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Browsers”);
    • (b) individuals who have created their own account and are registered users of the Raizen Site (referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Members”);
    • Browsers and Members must be aged eighteen (18) years and over or must have attained the age of majority in their respective jurisdiction in order to be able to use the Raizen Site. All persons who do not meet these criteria are strictly forbidden from accessing, viewing the contents of, or otherwise joining the Raizen Site. We do not knowingly seek or collect any personal information from persons who have not attained the age of eighteen (18).

Information We Collect and How We Use It

Types of Information We Collect

As part of our operations, we collect a variety of personal data depending on your interactions with us. This information is essential for delivering our services effectively. The types of personal data we may collect include, but are not limited to:

  • Identity Information: This encompasses your name, marital status, title, date of birth, gender, identification and passport numbers, username and password, purchase history, interests, preferences, feedback, and survey responses. It also includes company details and registration numbers where applicable.

Ensuring that your identity data is accurate helps us maintain precise records and provide personalized services.

  • Contact Details: Includes your billing and delivery addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Accurate contact details are crucial for smooth communication and transaction processing.

  • Financial Information: Refers to your bank account details and payment information necessary for processing transactions.

Financial data is handled with the highest level of security to prevent unauthorized access and ensure compliance with financial regulations.

  • Transaction Data: This includes records of payments made to and from you, as well as details of the services you have purchased through us.
  • Technical Information: Covers data such as your IP address, login credentials, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-ins, operating system and platform, online identifiers, and location data. This information is vital for enabling your device(s) to interact with our website and applications effectively.

Technical data collection is essential for optimizing user experience and ensuring website security.

  • Usage Data: Details how you interact with our website and services, including browsing history, download errors, page visit durations, page interaction information, and contact numbers used for inquiries.

Analysing usage data allows us to improve our website and tailor our services to better meet your needs.

  • Marketing and Communications Data: Includes your preferences regarding marketing communications and how you wish to be contacted by us.

We respect your communication preferences and provide options to opt-out of marketing messages.

It is important to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date. Please inform us of any changes to your data during our relationship by emailing us at You can also request corrections or updates to your information at any time.

How We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect personal data through various methods, including:

  • Direct Interactions: You may provide personal data by filling out forms or contacting us via post, phone, email, or other channels. Examples include:
    • Applying for our services.
    • Creating an account on our website.
    • Subscribing to our services, solutions, or publications.
    • Requesting marketing materials.
    • Interacting with us on social media.
    • Visiting our branch offices or calling our customer support.
    • Providing feedback.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We will only use your personal data for legitimate business purposes, in line with the reasons for which it was initially collected. Should we need to use your data for purposes not originally specified, we will notify you accordingly.

In certain situations, we may process your personal data without your explicit consent to comply with legal obligations.

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

Purpose/ActivityLegal Basis for ProcessingTypes of Data Required
Contacting YouPerformance of a contract, legitimate interests (e.g., business operations, debt recovery, record maintenance)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data, Marketing and Communications Data
Fulfilling Contractual ObligationsPerformance of a contract, legitimate interests (e.g., business operations, debt recovery)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data, Marketing and Communications Data
Providing Information on Other Products/ServicesLegitimate interests (business development, customer engagement)Identity Data, Contact Data, Technical Data, Usage Data
Improving Advertising and ServicesLegitimate interests (business growth, IT service provision, marketing optimization)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data, Marketing and Communications Data
Notifying You of Service ChangesPerformance of a contract, compliance with legal obligations, legitimate interests (record maintenance)Identity Data, Contact Data
Optimizing Website Content PresentationLegitimate interests (website improvement, user experience enhancement)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data
Identity VerificationCompliance with legal obligations, legitimate interests (fraud prevention, business security)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data
Ensuring Site Security and Fraud PreventionCompliance with legal obligations, legitimate interests (security, fraud prevention, business continuity)Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data
Providing Customer SupportPerformance of a contractIdentity Data, Contact Data
Compliance with Legal RequirementsCompliance with legal obligationsIdentity Data, Contact Data, Technical Data, Usage Data
Disclosure of Data to Avoid Commission DisputesLegitimate interests (protecting business rights, avoiding disputes)Name

Processing personal data is necessary to provide services effectively and ensure compliance with legal and contractual obligations.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

In the future, it may be necessary to share your personal data with third parties for purposes such as those mentioned above. We will ensure that any third parties involved adhere to strict data protection agreements and only use your data according to our instructions. Potential third parties include:

  • Service Providers: Companies providing IT support, system administration, tenancy deposit administration, and other necessary services within the EU/EEA.
  • Professional Advisers: Legal, financial, insurance, and consulting professionals in Cyprus.
  • Government Entities: Regulatory bodies and authorities in Cyprus that require certain data processing activities.
  • Regulatory Bodies: We may share your information with regulatory authorities to comply with legal obligations and aid in fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.
  • Our Suppliers: We may provide your information to third parties involved in delivering services to you.
  • Third-Party Marketing: If you have given us your consent, we may share your information with selected third parties who may contact you about products or services that might interest you.
  • Business Transactions: We may disclose your personal data outside of our organization in the following cases:
    • If We Buy or Sell Business Assets: If we sell or purchase any business or assets, we may share your personal data with the potential buyer or seller.
    • If Our Business is Acquired: If Raizen is acquired by a third party, customer data will be one of the assets transferred to the buyer. However, this transfer will ensure your personal data’s confidentiality is maintained and that the terms of this privacy policy are honoured by the recipient.

We maintain stringent agreements with third-party partners to ensure your data remains secure and is used appropriately.

Please note that we do not disclose information about identifiable individuals to our advertisers. However, we may occasionally provide them with Aggregated Data (i.e., data derived from your personal information but does not directly or indirectly identify you. This might include Usage Data detailing how you interact with our Website and the specific features and areas you engage with) about our Website visitors and customers.

If you prefer that we do not share your data with third parties, you can withhold your consent when providing your information on our data collection form. You can also opt-out by contacting us using the contact information provided above.

As part of our services offered to you, including via our Website, the information you provide may be transferred to and stored in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). This happens because we use remote website server hosts to deliver the Website and some aspects of our service, which might be based outside of the EEA, or utilize servers located outside the EEA—this is generally how data is stored in “the Cloud”. It might also be processed by staff working outside the EEA who are employed by one of our suppliers, such as our website server host, payment processing provider, or by our employees when temporarily situated outside of the EEA.

A transfer of your personal data might occur if any of our servers are located in a country outside the EEA or if any of our service providers are based in a country outside the EEA.

If you access our services while located outside the EEA, your personal data may be transferred out of the EEA to deliver these services.

When we transfer or store your personal data outside the EEA, we will take measures to ensure that your privacy rights are protected as outlined in this privacy policy. If we engage suppliers based in the US, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the Privacy Shield, which requires them to offer similar protection to personal data shared between Europe and the US.

Data Security

We employ robust security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access. Access to your data is restricted to individuals and entities with a legitimate need and who are bound by confidentiality obligations. In the event of a data breach, we will promptly notify the Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection and, if necessary, inform you as per legal requirements.

Data security is our top priority, and we continuously update our protocols to address emerging threats and ensure compliance with data protection laws.

International Data Transfers

We do not transfer your personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the destination country provides adequate data protection measures in accordance with GDPR requirements.

Any international data transfers will only occur with appropriate safeguards to maintain the same level of data protection as within the EEA.

Data Retention

We retain your personal data for as long as you use our services, and for a minimum of seven years thereafter to comply with legal, regulatory, and accounting obligations. If extended retention is necessary, we will carefully evaluate the necessity and risks associated with storing your data. In some instances, we may anonymize your personal data, allowing us to use this information indefinitely without identifying you.

Retaining data for a specific period ensures compliance with legal requirements and allows for continued service improvements.

Your Legal Rights

Under data protection laws, you have several rights regarding your personal data, including:

  • Accessing Your Data: You can request access to the personal data we hold about you, known as a data subject access request. This includes details such as:
    • The purpose(s) of data processing.
    • The categories of personal data held.
    • Recipients or categories of recipients of the data.
    • The data retention period or criteria for determining it.
  • Preventing Marketing Use: You can opt-out of your data being used for marketing purposes at any time.

Opting out of marketing does not affect our ability to contact you regarding existing services or legal obligations.

  • Correcting Inaccurate Information: You have the right to request corrections to any inaccurate personal data we hold.
  • Requesting Data Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal data in certain circumstances.
  • Restricting Data Use: You have the right to request restrictions on how we use your data.
  • Preventing Automated Decision-Making: You can ask that your personal data not be used for automated decision-making processes.
  • Data Portability: You can request that we provide your data in a commonly used format or transfer it to a third party of your choice.

While you have these rights, certain legal or operational requirements may limit our ability to comply fully. We aim to respond to requests within one month, but complex cases may take longer.

In most cases, exercising these rights is free of charge. However, if your request is deemed unfounded, repetitive, or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to comply.

The rights outlined above may not be applicable in certain situations, meaning we might not be able to fulfil every request to exercise these rights. Typically, we aim to respond to your request within a month from the date of receipt. However, if your request is particularly complex or if you have submitted multiple requests, our response time may be extended. Please understand that we may need to process your personal data further or request additional information from you to ensure we can meet your request effectively. Generally, there is no charge for exercising these rights. However, we reserve the right to charge a fee if we determine that your request is baseless, repetitive, or excessive. In such cases, we may also choose not to comply with your request.


You have the right to withdraw your consent for marketing communications at any time. Upon withdrawal, we will cease sending marketing materials but will continue processing your data as needed for service delivery and legal compliance.

To stop receiving marketing messages, you can follow the unsubscribe links in any of our emails or contact us directly at +357 77 00 00 75

Exercising your right to opt-out of marketing does not affect our ability to contact you for service-related matters or legal obligations.


If you wish to raise a complaint regarding our use of your personal data then you can contact the Commissioner for Personal Data, which is the supervisory authority for data protection issues in the Republic of Cyprus. (

If you do wish to raise a complaint then we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your concerns before you contact the Personal Data Commissioner to see if we can resolve the issue for you.

Contact details

We welcome any comments regarding this Privacy Policy. For any questions or complaints regarding this Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) at:


Postal address: 25A Klimentos, 1061, Nicosia, Cyprus

We will use reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem or the question addressed.

By using the Website, you consent to this policy. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for this purpose.

For any further information and/or for requesting any of your rights listed above please contact us at +357 77 00 00 75.

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